Learning to grade sports cards is a learned skilled that takes practice. Below we have pulled together the very best videos on the subject that we could find. They will provide to you insights that most don’t really consider. REMEMBER “Just because a card comes from a sealed pack or facotry case, does no tmean it is MINT. Most cards have flaws from the factory! The videos below will give you inights regarding sports card grading that most don’t have.
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Experts tell us that sports card sales slow down in November and December and normally pick up byJanuary 15th. We have found the number of sales to be about the same, but the dollar amount per sale...
Why Investing in Baseball Cards of Pitchers Historically Underperforms Compared to Position Players
Every month I do a review of the cards that I have bought and sold only on eBay. Last month I bought my first Paul Skeenes cards. It was paper, nothing special. In the video I made the comment and...